Over a decade writing and editing for clients in government, journalism, publishing, and business. Research and fact-checking in Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and Persian. Leading and supporting teams specializing international affairs, with an emphasis on international development.
Topics: Peace, stability, and transition; poverty alleviation; global health; disability inclusion; culture and society.
Products: U.S. government proposals and RFI responses; evaluation reports; creative nonfiction.
Regions: Eastern Europe and Eurasia, especially the former Soviet Union; Middle East and North Africa, especially the Arabic-speaking world.
Russian: fluent
American Sign Language (ASL): proficient
Arabic (Modern Standard & Jordanian): proficient
Spanish: proficient
Persian/Farsi: basic
Romanian: basic
Ukrainian: basic
Hiring Interns with Disabilities: Lessons in Inclusion from Development Project Offices (2023, coauthored with Rachel Chaikof)
USAID/Kyrgyz Republic Quality Reading Program – Time to Read (TTR): Final Report (2021; written for publication without my name)
Essays & Reviews
“My Russian and Ukrainian Name,” Gawker, February 28, 2022
“The Smithsonian Goes to Church,” The National Interest, June 27, 2017
“Sending Toby Keith to Saudi Arabia Is a Genius Move,” The National Interest, May 18, 2017
“Why Islam Is an Exception,” The National Interest, June 16, 2016
“Europe’s Cheesy Musical Proxy War,” The National Interest, May 17, 2016
“Who Are Trump’s Christians?” The National Interest, March 9, 2016
“A Pope, a Patriarch and Great Expectations in Cuba,” The National Interest, February 5, 2016
“Should the U.S. bomb Aladdin’s home?” Rare News, December 18, 2015 (a satirical op-ed coauthored with John Allen Gay)
“Paranoia, Inc.” Fare Forward, January 2015
“Eastern Orthodox Unity,” First Things, November 5, 2013